Day 2 Prayer Points – May 2022 Fasting & Prayer

Welcome to day 2 of the RoSGMI monthly 3 days of prayer and fasting for the month of May 2022. Here are prayer points for Day 2:


1) EVANGELISM: Acts 2:37&41 Gal 2:2

  • Let us thank God for the directive to “Go to Egypt”. Thank God for the unity to proclaim the gospel in Egypt.
  • Let us pray that God will lead us by revelation in choosing locations for our evangelism.
  • Let people receive the gospel with the readiness of a repentant heart.
  • Let our evangelism profit us as a ministry with saved, spirit-filled and committed members in Jesus name.


2) UOM (SINGLES CONFERENCE): Mt 13:15-16 1Cor 4:20 Heb 4:2(AMP)

  • Let us thank God for the success and testimonies recorded from the past UOM Singles Conferences.
  • Let us ask God to prepare the hearers onsite and online to receive the word with the right mindset. Let them have understanding hearts and hearing ears in Jesus name.
  • Let us ask God to empower and equip the speakers to speak His mind with grace and power in Jesus name.
  • Let the word be united with faith among hearers so it can benefit them in Jesus name.


3) YOUTH: Gen 34:18 Isa 8:18(CJB) Eccl 12:1(ERV) 2Cor 2:14

  • Let us thank God for giving us a legacy in our youths. Let us thank God for His goodness in their lives. Let us thank God for His counsel concerning GLB.
  • Let us pray that they will be God seekers right from their youth.
  • Let their conduct influence many for Christ in Jesus name.
  • Let us pray for marital favour and bliss in their lives. There shall be no more delay, the waiting period is over in Jesus name.
  • Let us ask God to make our youths become signs and wonders to their generation in Nigeria and globally in Jesus name.


4) SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Ps 119:11 Jn 15:7 Phil 1:24 2Tim 4:10 2Pet 3:18

  • Let us thank God for spiritual growth through the teachings on unity at RoSGMI.
  • Let us pray that we will continue to grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Let us pray for the word to take root in us so we can bear fruits in Jesus name.
  • Let us pray that nothing will seduce or distract us from the path of light. Let us pray not to become ex-champion in Christ (like Demas).


5) DIVINE FAVOUR: 1Sam 2:26 Est 2:15 Lk 1:28 Lk 2:52

  • Thank God for past and present favours from Him and man.
  • Pray that like Esther, you will receive favour from all men in Jesus name.
  • Pray for an era of favour that will make all things turn around for your good and that of your household.


6) PEACE: Rm 14:17 Phil 4:7 2Thess 3:16

  • Let us thank God for His kind of peace which is incomparable.
  • Let us ask for the grace to embrace His perfect peace which transcends all understanding.
  • Let us ask for enablement to become a person of peace in Jesus name.
  • Pray to always be the recipient of His peace, spirit, soul and body in Jesus’ name.


7) SERVANT LEADER: 1Tim 2:1-3 (NKJV)

“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.”

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